ARS UPDATES: COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
The safety and wellbeing of our people and those we work with is of the utmost importance. With the recent spreading of COVID-19/Coronavirus, guidelines and recommendations are changing from day to day. We have taken steps to implement our continuity plan and how we are communicating with our partners to help ease the concerns we all face.
Below are the updates as we all adapt.
- 04-03-2020 – Understanding RON’s by First American – Three Steps To Expedite Your E-Close Capabilities
- 04-03-2020 – RON Closings Update By PropLogix – The Latest States To Pass Remote Online Notarization Laws
- 03-27-2020 – NRMLA Appraisals – FHA Announces Appraisal Policy Updates
- 03-27-2020 –NRMLA Creates COVID-19 Resource Page
- 03-26-2020 – Notaroo shares their protocol during this pandemic:
- 03-25-2020 – How notaries are adapting to COVID-2019 – Worried about conducting your closings in a safe and germ-free environment? We can help. Effective immediately, The Closing Exchange offers a Curbside Closing™ to keep our customers and their clients safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here for details: CXC_Curbside_Closing_Flyer_V4
- 03-20-2020 – FedEx is an essential business
- 03-19-2020 – County Office Closures and how they affect transactions.
- A title update and the recording of documents are required to close a transaction. Not all counties offer online e-recording and/or online recorded documents.
- If a title update cannot be performed due to courthouse/county closures and there is no online access the transaction falls in Category 3.
- As the status of each county is rapidly changing it is not possible to predict if your file will be affected or not. Each transaction is case by case and will fall into one of these three categories.
- Please contact your settlement officer for guidance & check with your lender for guideline updates.
- 03-18-2020 – Underwriter Indemnity Agreements
- Fidelity National Title Insurance Company GAPIndemnityUndertaking(FNTIC) GAPIndemnityUndertaking(CTIC)
- North American Title Insurance Company Affidavit and Indemnity Agreement – COVID-19 (NATIC)
- First American Title Company COVID-19 UWC – Indemnity Affidavit (Final 3-16-20) (FATIC)
- 03-18-2020 – FedEx: Delivery Signature Update
- 03-18-2020 County & Recording Status: Updates from ALTA and Simplifile
- 03-17-2020 Notary Policy: Effective immediately we will be scheduling all closings through signing service agencies. If you have an independent notary that you wish to use, please direct them to an approved signing agency who can then request them for the closing. This is for the protection of the borrower, the notary and for any other involved parties during the COVID-19/Coronavirus outbreak. This protocol allows us to have more safeguards in place and accountability for all to ensure that our required measure are being met.
- 03-13-2020 Protocol for FedEx
With our focus being solely on our seniors, we contacted our approved notary panel/servicers to pass along our expectations as they enter the borrower’s homes.
- 03-09-2020 Protocol for Notaries COVID-19 Notice (003)
ARS offices remain open with no current concerns of our ability to maintain service levels and expectations. Throughout the years we have built our company to have processes and safeguards in place to allow us to operate at full capacity when the need arises. Our technology ensures we can securely access our networks remotely with the full capabilities needed to provide our business partners the same great service you’ve come to expect. Should the situation become severe Allegiant Reverse Services and FNC Title Services, LLC are prepared to operate remotely without business interruption while maintaining clean desk policy and full privacy protections.