August Webinars
The Borrower’s Experience – CRMP Certified Course
This class will give the attendees a bird’s eye view of the entire process from Marketing to Post Closing of a reverse mortgage transaction. It will cover some pit falls and how to avoid them. Although you may only handle one portion of the transaction, the borrower is a part of the whole process which can be overwhelming. We will explain how the attendees can be more empathetic to our borrower’s needs
Note: CRMP Credit not available for California residents.
Click here to register.
The Payoff Process
Wednesday, August 29, 2020 – 10:00am PST/1:00pm EST
Paying off debt is a crucial part of the reverse mortgage transaction. Join us to familiarize yourself with the timeline and requirements when there is debt involved. We will also cover ways to identify potential liens that may cause delays in the closing of your file.
Click here to register.