Title Tidbits: Reviewing Your Title Commitment
Below are some tips from ARS’ Underwriting Counsel/Title Manager, Kevin Weaver.
- Always be sure to read your title commitment and Title Commitment Review Sheet. This will help identify the exceptions and requirements that may need to be fulfilled in order to meet your closing date.
- Keep the borrower up to date on any additional documents that may be needed. For example; If your transaction is utilizing a POA, it would be beneficial to send to your Settlement Team in advance. This will ensure that the document is in fact an original and can record at closing. Should an original death cert be required, be sure you obtain in advance as often times the vital records need to be ordered and this could delay your closing.
- Your settlement team is ready and available, so be sure that you keep them updated on status. This will help the file close smoothly and quickly with the best experience for the borrower.